I’m Open to work! I’m currently looking for a full-time software engineering role for 2024

Hi, my name is

Joel Samson.

-Tech Maven

I am a

I’m a full-stack engineer specialising in building highly accessible, human-centered applications for the web. Recently graduated from George Mason University with a Master’s degree in Computer Science. Looking for Software Developer Roles.

About Me

Hello! I'm Joel, a passionate software developer with 2 years of experience spanning various domains. I recently completed my Master's in Computer Science at George Mason University, where I honed my skills in programming and collaborated on diverse projects.

"How big would you dream, if you knew you couldn't fail?" -Robert Schuller

I am deeply enthusiastic about software engineering and computer science, thriving in collaborative environments where innovation and creativity flourish. My internship experiences, including at Istari Digital and Nexus 8 International, have equipped me with hands-on experience in web development, utilizing technologies such as React, NodeJS, and TypeScript. I am particularly interested in roles related to software development, cloud computing, and full-stack development, where I can leverage my expertise to drive impactful solutions.

Joel Samson

June 2023 - Aug 2023

Istari Digital

Software Engineer Intern

• Crafted reusable modular components, driving a 20% decrease in feature implementation time and boosting frontend

• Architected RESTful APIs, boosting backend by 30%, reducing response time by 15%, enhancing scalability

• Conducted comprehensive unit testing and achieved a 95% code coverage, effectively reducing post-release bugs by 30%

• Led API documentation, cutting 25% of dev time and enhancing project clarity with clear, concise communication

• Formulated TypeScript migration strategy, converting .jsx files to .ts, enhancing codebase maintainability and scalability

• Integrated ChatGPT API into bots, automating repetitive daily tasks, optimizing workflow efficiency


Aug 2022 - Present

George Mason University

Graduate Teaching Assistant

• Orchestrated and monitored student skill development through weekly check-ins, assessments, and keen observations, resulting in remarkable progress and achievement

• Managed over 100 assignments and contributed to bi-weekly course materials across two sections, significantly improving course efficiency and ensuring a seamless learning experience

• Delivered comprehensive instruction to students on the latest emerging technologies, simultaneously enhancing personal skills and aligning the course syllabus with dynamic industry trends for a more relevant and forward-thinking curriculum

• Guided 100+ students in fundamental CS concepts, enhancing their ability to write efficient, maintainable code by 15%


Dec 2023 - July 2023

Nexus 8 International

Software Engineering Intern

• Orchestrated a website makeover by incorporating cutting-edge design elements and features, resulting in a remarkable 25% surge in website traffic

• Spearheaded a comprehensive overhaul of an antiquated website, enhancing both speed and functionality and introducing innovative features for an improved user experience

• Pioneered weekly project briefings, fostering alignment among teams on objectives and promoting a collaborative work environment, thereby enhancing overall project efficiency


Jan 2020 - Dec 2021

Freelance Developer

Web Developer

• Contributed to student grievance, university, and examination portals, portfolios, and University Outreach websites

• Enhanced website performance by 30% through full-stack development of responsive interfaces, meeting set standards

• Performed comprehensive UAT sessions, achieving a 95% stakeholder satisfaction rate and ensuring smooth deployment

• Leveraged agile methodologies to adapt to changing project requirements and maintain flexibility throughout the SDL


Dec 2019 - Jan 2020

Quality Theorem

Web Developer Intern

• Achieved a 70% acceleration in exam systems by leading collaborative efforts to develop a cutting-edge, multi-functional examination website

• Enhanced user experience and system efficiency by designing responsive web interfaces in adherence to company standards, resulting in a 30% increase in speed and performance

Things I've Built
Cloud Resume Challange
Cloud Resume Challange

Featured Project

Cloud Resume Challange

    For the Cloud Resume Challenge, I undertook the task of creating an portfolio website using various AWS services. Leveraging technologies such as S3, CloudFront, Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway, I developed a dynamic portfolio card website. This project showcased my proficiency in optimizing cloud architecture for superior performance and security.



    AWS Lambda

    AWS DynamoDB

    AWS API Gateway




News App
News App

Featured Project

News App

    As part of my recent endeavors, I developed a dynamic news application using React, NextJS, and various other technologies. This project aimed to enhance the speed and responsiveness of data retrieval from news sources. By harnessing the capabilities of the News API and integrating Axios, I achieved a significant improvement of 50% in data retrieval speed compared to conventional methods. One of the highlights of this project was the use of Tailwind CSS for styling the application interface, which not only expedited the development process by 50% but also greatly enhanced the visual appeal of the application.











Grievance System
Grievance System

Featured Project

Grievance System

    Empower Voices, Resolve Concerns: Introducing our Grievance Handling Solution - a cutting-edge platform that streamlines communication and addresses grievances effectively.








Other Projects

Tap on a project to learn more!

GMU Survey Page

GMU Survey Page

Covid 19 - Tracker

Covid 19 - Tracker

GMU Computer Science Department Page

GMU Computer Science Department Page





E-commerce Simulation - C

E-commerce Simulation - C

Naruto Quotes

Naruto Quotes


HTML was the first language I learned when I started learning programming. Over the last 8 years, I have used it to build websites and web applications.

Technical Skills
Technical Skills
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • C
  • Canva
  • Javascript
  • SQL
  • MySQL
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Python
  • NodeJS
  • Docker
  • Figma
  • Java
  • jQuery
  • Angular
  • AWS
  • Jenkins
  • C#
  • Firebase
  • AJAX
  • SpringBoot
George Mason University
George Mason University

Master of Science in Computer Science

George Mason University


  • Mathematical Foundations of CS
  • Computer Systems and System Prog
  • Intro Artificial Intelligence
  • Analysis of Algorithms I
  • Machine Learning
  • Software Engineering for World Wide Web
  • Software Eng Real-Time Emb Systems
  • User Interface Design/Development
  • Component-Based Software Development
  • Information Security Theory/Practice

    2022 - 2023

    GPA: 3.78

NMAM Institute of Technology
NMAM Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science

NMAM Institute of Technology


  • Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Object Oriented Modeling & Design
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Database Systems

    2017 - 2021

    GPA: 3.64

Get In Touch
Get In Touch

If you would like to work together or discuss an opportunity for work, please use the form or send me an email on joelsadanandsamson@gmail.com

Designed and Developed by Joel Samson